Psychotherapy that works.
Adjustment to life altering injury and illness
Living with a new illness or injury is complicated. Lifestyle changes can be a burden as well as time consuming. You may have to adjust to a different level of mobility, or a different role in your career or home. Our interventions range from practical to medical to psychological, depending on your needs.
We help with medication optimization and reduction of medication side effects in coordination with your medical team. In therapy, we can work on anything from practical lifestyle issues to more serious content around loss of identity, existential dread, fear of movement, fear of hospitals, and trauma.
We prioritize helping you stay active both physically and socially, and may send referrals for adaptive equipment or peer support.
Functional disorders
Functional disorders are neurological symptoms that occur spontaneously without an associated lesion or degenerative neurological condition. Inspire Sierra is the only local clinic specifically dedicated to treating functional disorders, including functional seizures, movement disorders, stuttering, paralysis, and sensory issues. We use a combination of behavioral therapy, medication management, and movement.
Patients with functional disorders are given priority appointments, especially if currently inpatient, and may be seen multiple times per week until stabilized.
After hours, hospitals/ discharge planners can text 775-813-4288 with the name of the institution, request for urgent consult & callback number, or are welcome to reach out to Dr Pavlatos-Delavoye directly via phone.
Moral Injury in Healthcare
Our society has experienced unprecedented health, social, and environmental crises in recent times. At Inspire Sierra we see physicians, veterinarians, health care workers, and first responders dealing with stress, moral injury, physical illness, anxiety, depression, and trauma.
Services we offer include individual therapy, groups/retreats (groups do not mix managers and non-managers), psychiatric services, and therapeutic coaching.
(Therapeutic coaching, groups, classes, and retreats do not establish a doctor-patient relationship.)
Behavioral therapy can give you long lasting relief from OCD, more so than any other treatment. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the “gold standard” for OCD treatment. It teaches you how to confront your fears and stop compulsions, safety behaviors, and mental analysis. We sometimes use medications in supplement to behavioral treatments for OCD.
PTSD treatment involves learning how to stay present in the moment when your brain wants to pull you into past events. After trauma the brain links” fight/flight/freeze” responses with things that aren’t dangerous. We can break that link by using several evidenced-based methods. PTSD treatment comes in two phases: Learning how to manage symptoms, then learning how to approach fears until the “fight/flight/freeze” response disappears.
Stigma, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Repeated encounters with discrimination have a measurable impact on psychological well-being. We combine an ACT approach with research on racial identity, microaggressions, and models of disability to explore the role of intersectionality on identity development. We use techniques to help you maintain a vital, present connection to the things most important in your life, even in the face of difficult and painful experiences.